Please pray that my surgery goes well tomorrow! We have to be there at 5:30!!! I will post asap!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Updates and Nelies Party not Birthday yet...
***Jamie(my BIL)granddaddy(Ottis Summerford) had a heart attack and open heart surgey last week. After surgery and many prayers he came home yesterday and is doing good!
*** Happy Late Birthday Landan! We did go to Landans party I just forgot to post his birthday on January 30th! He turned 3! This is him at Nelies party.
***Nelies Birthday is March 2nd but due to my surgery and all coming up next week 19th we did her party this past weekend so I could enjoy it too!
I worked on her StrawberryShortCake cake forever!
Nelie modeling her StrawberryShortCake outfit with her cake.
Daddy had to get the first skate!haha
Nelie and her best friend Emilee Rollins.
Cousin Kelsi
Good friend Samson
Cousin Kayla,Blake,and friend Landan
Good friend Hadley-Ruth
Baby JennaBeth breaking it down
Nelie and her friends.

After the party Nelies best friend Emilee Rollins came home with us to play. I laughed at them til I cried. They were talking like they were 18. Nelie said " ya girl lets go to town in my chevaland".

When Emilee left we got Jenna for the night so mommy and daddy could go out.

This is her acting like a mermaid and I told her to look at me but she said no. Lord I love this child sooo much!

Posted by THE MASON'S at 6:08 PM 3 comments